千葉県市川市堀之内(北総線・北国分駅前)で開業している「あらい歯科」の院長が、自慢のコレクションを紹介するブログです。マンガ家さん・アニメーターさんの直筆サイン入りイラスト色紙、直筆サイン入り複製原画を紹介しています。 This blog introduce authentic autographs/authentic MANGA arts/authentic ANIME arts (of Japanese SHIKISHI), be owned by ARAI DENTAL CLINIC at chiba,japan.


日本語版は、こちら↓↓ "Japanese MANGA" "Japanese ANIME" artsspread through the world !!↑ whole art↑ (zoom in) whole art↑ (zoom in) at under rightartist's signature/artist's stamp"RAKKAN-IN"/edit ...

日本語版は、こちら↓↓ "Japanese MANGA" "Japanese ANIME" artsspread through the world !!↑ two in a set ( left: blue ver.  right:  red ver.)↑ (blue ver.) whole art↑ (blue ver.)(zoom in) whole art ...

日本語版は、こちら↓↓ "Japanese MANGA" "Japanese ANIME" artsspread through the world !!↑ whole art↑ (zoom in) whole art↑ (zoom in) at lower leftartist's authentic signature↑ (zoom in) at lower r ...

日本語版は、こちら↓↓ "Japanese MANGA" "Japanese ANIME" artsspread through the world !!↑ whole art↑ (zoom in) whole art↑ (zoom in) at lower leftedition number (3/300)↑ (zoom in) at lower right( ...

日本語版は、こちら↓↓ "Japanese MANGA" "Japanese ANIME" artsspread through the world !!↑ whole art↑ (zoom in) whole art↑ (zoom in) at upper leftartist's signature/artist's stamp"RAKKAN-IN"↑ (zo ...

日本語版は、こちら↓↓ "Japanese MANGA" "Japanese ANIME" artsspread through the world !!↑ whole art↑ (zoom in) whole art↑ (zoom in) at center leftartist's printing signature↑ (zoom in) at lowerar ...

日本語版は、こちら↓↓ "Japanese MANGA" "Japanese ANIME" artsspread through the world !!↑ whole art↑ (zoom in) whole art↑ (zoom in) at lower leftedition number (61/250)↑ (zoom in) at lower right ...

日本語版は、こちら↓↓ "Japanese MANGA" "Japanese ANIME" artsspread through the world !!↑ whole art↑ (zoom in) whole art↑ (zoom in) at lower leftedition number (50/250)↑ (zoom in) at lower right ...
